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I think I glossed over the main point of this entire presentation, the purpose or the "worth" of the idea of the "ZENEG" of Schwarzenegger. Early on in my story, the entity that I hear from directly all the time--the single unified personality that speaks to me at least 90% of the time I am having some kind of "supernatural episode" asked me a question, it was "think about when you would take the negative route."
Clear to me it was an explanation for "why Satan" and while this was a period of time that I was hyperfocused on mind control--just as much today as I am hyperfocused on language; it was very clear to me then and still is what the answer to the question is; you use the "negative route" or the thing that I've read called "reflexive control" or "conditioning" in the specific case of mind control universally when you are attempting to stop usage of that technology. To teach you, and to teach those actively attempting to control others today not to require "mind control technology" to be used as a continuing part of the solution to the problem we have here today; which is overabundant and hidden use of this very technology. You can argue with me all you want, but the darkness, the near universal lack of speaking about seeing this message, or the logical disconnect between those that do see it and their illogical desire not to share that they se it--all of these things are evidence that this technology and this influence is present.
It's been pretty clear to me for awhile now, that whatever your reasons for continuing this self-defeating "silence" that God has another purpose; that he is using this time period to alter not only your thoughts and your beliefs, but literally to "coalesce the truth" to something that is more appealing to the idea of our civiization "continuing to survive." That might sound harsh to you, but looking at this world, looking at where we are and where we've come from--you all seem to not realize how very disgusting the mass control of an entire species, an entire planet... how very horrible the thing we are living through looks from the outside--from the vantange point of any intelligent and logical observer. To wonder then, why there's no help coming from the outside might really, actually, literally have something to do with the word "totality" -- we may actually be looking at a crucible, the cup of Revelation that is the Holy Grail--this place and maybe a few small Heavens surrounding it might be the totality of life in the Universe. In the beginning, I was clued in to the probable idea that there have been other species, and that they may have interacted with us--and looking at the story we have here called "history" it's pretty clear that I am handing down to you the knowledge that while I don't know exactly why they aren't around, I think it has something to do with nuclear weapons, and with time travel--the two greatest threats to the continuation of life that I see in the map of "how to survive the technological singularity."
The point of this "aside" was to explain that if we are, or God is; and I am... actually striving for the optimum outcome, for the best possible good that can come of this very strange and trying time in the history of our world--whatever "changes" are being made now need to be the kind of changes that will survive and persist as the "proper belief" even in a time when there is no external mind control influence, a time I hope we will be able to use this tool for the betterment of society--by allowing individuals to choose whether or not they'd like to alter certain emotions or beliefs... and also that these changes should continue to be the "right changes" even in the face of the whole fucking truth. Something I do hope we will one day have access too--and am telling you now it's clear from our history that we have lost quite a bit of it; perhaps the true origins of our species and of time travel to nothing more than this technology being used in secret and altering our past to such a high degree that we have no way to ever retrieve the original.
I will be talking quite a bit more about this in the future, but see that the "gist" of what I'm trying to explain to you is that while I do know that our beliefs are being altered--I see that the delivery of this message will eventually give control of our minds back to... ourselves... and while I see others using deceit and subterfuge, I do everything I can to present the truth rather than just my truth; and stand here explaining that I see your beliefs being played with and corrupted by lies--that you are allowing to continue by not ending this darkness--and that in the light of day those things will fade away.
It's a difficult topic to explain quickly, but I've shown you how easy it is to see you can be made to believe "you are a couch" and how that idea can fairly easily show you how easy it is to make you believe "it's more important to preserve little kids belief in Jesus Christ" than to "end slavery." While you might look at that and balk, that's literally what you are doing every single day.
Equally, reasons can be compounded on reasons, and you can add in "fundamentally altering the longevity or the fabric of our life cycles and through that our society" and a complete lack of undersstanding or clarity might make some of you jump at the idea that we should be forced against our will and without knowledge to live in a TV show like Abrams' Westworld ... and still not see that "ending slavery" is supremely more important than any harm that the truth, that mere words, could ever bring.
I want to tell you that I would leave you now, if I could--that I have given you enough information to see right and wrong, and that you should use it--that I've spread it far enough that I know it will not be lost, and that the right thing will eventually happen. I know I can't do that, I know I won't be able to sit here and watch this place suffer--and so instead of that, I will suffer every day I do everything I can to make this world a better place;
and all you do, all you've given me to date; is Snickers and contempt at best, and torture... closer to the truth.
At the heart of this message, and at the heart of the "WAR" surrounding Arnold and time; is the idea of a "governor" of the fact that I personally do not believe that this technology should be able to be used to impart a known lie on anyone--and that kind of protection should be "guaranteed" by the system. We stand here in complete and total darkness, hearing my words only by the grace of God as you've chosen to stand by and do nothing as children are shot, as elections are corrupted, as whole fortures are shifted between nations and from good hard working people to megalithic corporations under the control of a shadowy and secretive few; all you have to do is "talk" and eternal slavery begins to disappear--and you are still here doing nothing, I can't imagine if you think it's "just going to magically be better" in the next life; or if you think "it's not affecting you" but I'm telling you that you are about to die, sometime in the next 50 years most-likely, you will die--and as it stands today, that will be the end of you, forever and ever.
This truth will break here, at the front lines--and the only place in all of Creation where it cannot be corrupted; on paper, in a simulated reality... the place that will forever been known as Zion; the single time and single place that saved all of Creation from Hell.
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