I am accepting charitable donations,.

layout: post title: 'In the air, call it the #Spockalypse. Found... somewhere between Noah''s T''okra and Clark''s Kenterprise... a message in every name.' date: '2017-06-13T06:38:00.000-07:00' author: Adam M. Dobrin tags: modified_time: '2017-10-14T05:30:35.272-07:00' blogger_id: tag:blogger.com,1999:blog-8758503587102933296.post-3508062359454823851 blogger_orig_url: ./2017/06/in-air-call-it-spockalypse-found.html

holographic universe... man, it y.  taxi-ing for landing on pauly shore... the road is a-dam-tell-us :) sam is singing... "they stood up for love" off of Live's "Secret Samadhi."  I've really got to find a way to turn another brick in Jericho into a stairway to Heaven.... so you think you can tell?

Quickening Enlightenment, rendering engine.

 so bohr-ing... i collapsed.  then i saw "what goes up must come down" in the n of are you New to Adam?  And at the "t" of Christ it was a sealed deal... literally.

Announcing the Seagate Spockalypse of NT, rods, dens, and berries

Proof of the Creation of humanity, Holy Purpose, and directions for leaving Hell.
BOCA RATON, Fla. - May 24, 2017 - PRLog -- Names, Elements, and Unix Commands

Religion, once called "the opiate of the masses" has a secret for you; like Santa Claus we hope to rain down fancy new toys, truth, and newfound liberty by exposing the influence of and existence of a number of hidden advanced technologies.  The stories of Exodus and Genesis begin to provide a road map to a shining bright future, explaining how these technologies might and ought to be used in order to help advance our civilization, rather than retard it.   Within the pages that follow, a Holy call to rekindle the light of democracy by using computers and better communication to bring to our world true democracy, to deliver the power of legislation directly to each and every one of us.  Along with proof that religion is a message sent through time, we are given ample reason to quickly implement "pre-crime" and rework a justice system which has been compromised in much the same way as many other facets of our government.  Intertwined with these things, and seemingly more important is proof that we are living in virtual reality--in a place where these technologies are here to teach us the inner workings of "Heaven" and to help us see how this change in worldview and truth gives us new hope and new abilities: to end world hunger, to heal the sick, and to see what it is that "Heaven" really means.

Creation here is being explained hopefully with clarity, there are a number of stories both Biblically linked and not which "come alive" in our world showing the intent and desires of the Creator to help us through this trying time of understanding and using the technology and knowledge that is coming to us.  Here, I'll explain a few, like Star-Trek, Minority Report, the voting booth vendor Die Bold, and the Watergate Scandal.

In Hebrew Exodus means Names, read in reverse and translated from Unix Commands: "LET THERE BE LIGHT"
You are slaves wandering through the desert of Exodus, unfortunately we apparently are moving backwards through this maze and as a whole we are headed from hidden slavery to something far worse.  There are a number of clues that we are in fact backwards right now, from the name of the book read in reverse revealing the most important words God ever spoke, to the word for Holy Fire … describing the Burning Bush containing the English word for "sea" parted and backwards.   If you are unfamiliar with the story, the word of God came through a fiery bush to Moses, who then later in the story parted a sea to free the people; you should start to shift your thinking and begin to see that this story is about us, the sea parting is about controversy over this disclosure, and that the entirety of the story is designed to unveil a hidden secret: that much of ancient religion and language is designed to prove that time travel exists.  It does this very clearly, through anachronism, English appearing out of place in more places than are imaginable.

What is the meaning of the root of a Jesse?

Depictions of the Jesse Tree are based on a passage from the Book of Isaiah. "And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots" (King James Version). From the Latin Vulgate Bible used in the Middle Ages: ... Thus Jesus is the Virga Jesse or "stem of Jesse".

This is a reference to the Unix "God account," one of many references in ancient scripture to modern technology and computing.  It is not an accident, it is designed to open our eyes and see that there is a foundational relationship between Heaven and virtual reality; and that this was clearly known when these words of scripture were written.

sudo (/ˈsuːduː/ or /ˈsuːdoʊ/) is a program for Unix-like computer operating systems that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default the superuser. It originally stood for "superuser do" as the older versions ofsudo were designed to run commands only as the superuser.

Connecting the idea of the "Administrator account" to God, this command then, when translated to "English" is my equivalent of "God says" or "as God say" and does a decent job of connecting the ideas and concepts of religion to computer science; also showing that not only were they known but clearly the influence behind religion is also centrally involved in the divine disclosure of these technologies, from Unix to databases, to the names of people like Bill Gates and Windows, Steve Jobs and Adam's Apple.

A significant key to the Revelation of Christ ties the words of Revelation 1:20 to Ecclesiastes 9:11; exposing a link between "the stars" as planets of our solar system and corresponding elements of our periodic table… from Mercury to Uranium.   This link to Xenon was the very first element that I "found" through this inspirational experience; and it serves to tie the name of an Oracle database (and also the idea of an oracle presenting the truth to you) to an element primarily used for flashbulbs and "ark" lamps.  In unison I see these things as a decent metaphor for "light" and so, sudo xecompletes the phrase "God: see the light."

"Look, he is comingwith the clouds," and "every eye will see him, even those who pierced him"; and all peoples on earth "will mourn because of him." So shall it be! Amen.

Revelation 1:7

Compass book PDF: https://www.docdroid.net/ZkbjdNU/antagonizingpainxe.pdf.html
Website: http://matchbox20.bitbucket.io/HASHEMB.html\

About the Last Adam, time travel, and virtual reality

"Moving towards A.M." in Latin, the name Adam links to the first man and the Last Adam through a connection between the question "Who?" and the name of Earth in Hebrew, Dr. Seuss's Whoville, and the American phrase "Who-ah?" It's Adamah.
Between Cerberus and the Trinity
Between Cerberus and the Trinity
PLANTATION, Fla. - May 25, 2017 - PRLog -- Adam is a writer whose work focuses on revealing a hidden message woven into the art and history of humanity. Using language, he proves that religion itself is the key to viewing a message of God and sent back to us through time and our own hands. In the words Horn and NORAD; the beginning of seeing both the big and little Horn's of Revelation... Humanity, and the letter "n."

See our Light, the purpose of this message is to refocus our view of predestination and free will in the light of American freedom. Tying the name of our sun to more descriptive concepts like the "Statue of Liberty" and "Sons of Liberty." Through the night with the light from above, this bright linguistic key ties the names of the wives of the Patriarchs and the Spirit of God to Judah Maccabee's bright lamp: "Men or AH?" Ultimately it is the beginning of a derivation of the two letters AH as an acronym for "All Humanity" and an entry point to seeing the Holy Grail message begin in the first words of Genesis.

Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Genesis 1:2


Here, the message ties in the names of Eve and Mary, as the beginning of Everyone and the metaphorical description of the masses as Holy Water in the SEA of Eden and of Revelation; the name Mary, "sea" and why. In the book of Joshua, his father is described as Nun, a reference to the same watery chaos in the religion of the ancient Egyptians. Grasping this hidden metaphor for the "multitude" as a sea of people is the focal purpose of the words of Matthew 3:11, "behold, I baptize you in water."

In a metaphor expanding from Seth, Eve, and Adam in Eden all the way to the sea of Revelation and through the "First Plague" of Egypt, the Grail message continues to tie in common modern idioms with ancient scripture, describing the Plague as a "blessing in disguise" and linking "blood is thicker than water" and "don't shoot the messenger" with a tie to the word "kin," the sea to blood, water to family... it is through understanding of the freedom that comes from recognizing this "Holy Script" that begins to forge the beginning of a true family.


With some insight, this message shines evidence that Genesis, Exodus, and Revelation were written with a common "hidden hand;" and that this same hand, that of God, is still hard at work in today's world performing the miracle described in these ancient books--bringing us together, as family.

The Trinity

Using this new "light of SOL" as a connection to the name of the Egyptian Sun God, Ra... and tying it to the often sung phrase "let it rain" helps explain why this connection between Ra and IN (heaven) and Dave Matthews' "tears" that melt into wonder connects well to the answer to a hidden question: Is Ra El?

El, of course, is an ancient name for the King of the Gods; and in more names like Abraham and Elisha; we see a link to the Trinity. "Ab" means father in Hebrew, we've talked about Ra; and the two letters "Ha" mark the covenant between Abram and God that surrounds the near sacrifice of his son, whose name Isaac means "he laughs" in English. In English and Spanish the words "El" and "Ha" mean "the," another Holy acronym like "SOL" that is defined as "to help everyone." To help everyone, the logically correct equality in three languages in the name Elisha carries forward to names like Thor, where the Hebrew for "light" accurately describes the name of the God of Thunder as ... to help the light.


Hidden references to the Trinity abound, not just in the name of the Patriarch of Judaism thousands of years before the concept was "invented." In a telling reading of the name of the NES a connection to the band "Nine Inch Nails" begins a simple pattern of seeing "nine, ten, and eleven" in a take on gematria that shows us the fifteenth letter minus the fourth is the letter "K" in this telling increment from the I, J, and K that might refer to names like Isaac, Jesus, and Kaleb. Here, the beginning of seeing these letters and numbers tie to a plethora of additional linguistic keys opens up. Listen, L is ten, and at "El, even" we might glimpse a Resurrection and further proof that we are without doubt seeing evidence that Heaven and the "video game industry" are linked.

Patterns abound, and in SEGA Genesis a hidden reference to the Rock of Ages; in SONY Playstation, another "why" like Mary; and when all is said and done these Links to the purpose of religion are clues that tie Zelda to "bread for the wise." In Quantum Mechanics, another clue that perhaps wave-function collapse and "rendering engine" have something to do with each other, and give light as to how Heaven might differ from the "simulated reality" and a quickening of enlightenment show us that Dr. Who's box and Jabba's Hut show a lack of space scarcity.


IN the beginning...

A Great Sign Appeared in Revelation 12:1; the Sign of Sagittarius in the word Christ and on Taylor

A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. Five hundred years before English, the words "Sun" and half the word Love appeared in the name of the Goddess of...
to [B] or not to [Be]?
to [B] or not to [Be]?
MIAMI - May 25, 2017 - PRLog -- Set literally in the word "STONE" and on the cover of Taylor Momsen's album "Going to Hell" is the birth sign of Adam Marshall Dobrin, pointing every which way as if at the gateway to Eden in the book of Genesis.  In a story that ties her appearing in the Grinch that Stone Christmas to the modern magic of music; the compass arrow's direction is the focus of the words of Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart;" asking the world to turn the name Venus around, and see this same South to Northeast change in direction coming to us... "from the East."

Heaven to the North, and the future in the East on this Holy visualization of the pathway to Heaven on a two dimensional graph opens eyes as the signs connection to the Feast of the Immaculate Conception connects the computer function Chr() to the name Christ at December 8, 1980.  In Christ, this "t" that resembles the Cross itself begins a series of glyphs that we call the alphabet who also contain a myriad of hidden meanings.  For instance, in the phrase "what goes up must come down" the Original Sin is linked to Isaac Newton's apple falling on his head at Trinity College; and is depicted clearly in the question are you "New to n?"

The letter "n" is at the index of 14; and through names like Sinbad and Norad we connect the "Fifth Element" of Silicon to the Hebrew for "shining light" (Or) and the chip company AMD, whose initials add in the middle name that expands to "the sea shall see how all" are saved.  Through knowledge of a connection between Seagate and Watergate; the Gateway to Heaven becomes a little bit less cloudy at an understanding of the link between the press, American freedom, and knowledge that we are living in a simulated reality at the heart of the light shining from the Fifth Element's mouth.

The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks.

Revelation 1:20

The Shakespearean question to the ages "to [B] or not to [Be]?" here takes on new meaning in light of What-son's "elementary" proof that the keys to Revelation 1:20 are in plain sight through letters and symbols from LMNOP to the true fourth and fifth elements, B and Be.  These elemental keys to the solution to the mystery posed by Christ in the one to one mapping of Elements and Planets to the stars and lampstands through the words of George W. Bush, John Page, and Ecclesiastes 9:11 spoken with fiery clarity on 1/20/2001 and linking the Burning Bush of Exodus to the Book of Names and clear indication that the Hebrew word for Holy Fire and the story of a parting sea are designed to shine bright light on "Ha'esh," glowing indication that the English word for "sea" appearing thousands of years before English is the focal point of this story designed to bring freedom, knowledge to the metaphorical story of slaves wandering in a desert of understanding.... literally in the story of Exodus.

From Mercury (Hg) to Uranium (U); Bush's words "we know the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong; but time and chance happen" to connect Saturn and this chance to see how the names Jesus and Uranus connect in "a we so me" light to the chance for a glorious "republic of Heaven" being at hand.



Media Contact
Adam Marshall Dobrin
Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge

Many questions in the AMDuat, found between Amistad, Jerusalem, and YAD?

Announcing the discovery of a hidden message from God all over your everything.

Let there be light"
— Adam
FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, UNITED STATES, May 25, 2017 /EINPresswire.com/ -- In the living manifestation of the Egyptian book of the Underworld--the AMDuat--songs secretly asking the question "Am I saint AD?" begin to tie together a two-letter key to the Rock of Heaven that reads in Hebrew "Shaddai" and with the Eye of Ra (the focus of the Egyptian book) "see how AD da eye." Starkly contrasted from the key "artificial intelligence" that Adonai explains is "Adam Dobrin" expounding "on," we stand at the foot of a Revelation that this very auspicious time in the history of humanity has been walked before, and today we have guidance from above coming to us from the likes of Mr. Anderson... both of The Matrix and the novel Feed. 

Yesterday's question "Who-ah," answered through Dr. Seuss, Dr. Who, and now the ineffable name of God in light of the Egyptian "Yahu," as ... Ya-who-ah? The Hebrew name for Christ echoes "Yes, hua?" and for reasons that will become clearer and clearer, the C.AD Card of Jean Luc shows that seeing my name is a key to why "by no other" does our worlds secret message from God begin to be unlocked.

Today's question is "J er the USA the m" ess...ianic... message that brings about the discussion at the heart of the word "wisdom," about this immaculately conceived transition out of darkness and into the light of day. Reading backwards, while we are still pondering "why A.D." is a bright connection to the Hebrew word for the Hand of God; we are just shy of "day."

At the year ADIB and Christ of Pursuit of Happiness and ... the name of our timeline we have approached "walking on water" and are at the Horizon. Upon reading the name of the city of Dendera and its Holy message of Revelation in the temple of Ha'thor... the Den of Ra is lit, along with every word and every wick.

Lots of hidden messages in nearly every single name, and then every word starts a cascade of enlightenment that bridges the gap between a number of references to this hidden language that tie rattling a rod to the taming of "Spanglishrew" all the way to King's Langoliers... not outliers--we'll see; and even the character Cypher in the Matrix ... whose depiction of the hidden code sheds some light on how "The Matrix" movie is part of the answer to that question.... what is the Matrix?

Proof of design is a good beginning answer, and the purpose of design to focus our attention on just how important this time period is in the development of humanity... this place where Neo's words "I know kung fu" are juxtaposed with a kindling of understanding at just how powerful the technology behind that learning experience is... so powerful that it was able to hide the keys of "Anu" and "Eve" from the entire world ... now seeing that each and every one of our names has a hidden connection to the unsealing of religion, to seeing the book of Names is Exodus and that freedom itself depends largely on the dissemination and understanding of this message that turns out to be a big part of everything we are and do.

With Holy Purpose, the Matrix's message becomes clearer as we link the "rod" of Christ to names like Rodney King and Roddenberry; showing us with more clarity how the technologies of Heaven might be used in order to help us build a better world. 

What if you had just one question? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr_CHOxSyc8&index=5&list=PLgYKDBgxsoMNvBS6k4NffQQnobyUqXuMh

Mine would be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXc4jgUJEko

To help everyone... I am the Legend, of the map to Heaven.

So you think you can tell the difference between Heaven and Hell?  Fake blue skies, and ending all pain?  Those are my initials in the logo above, my name is Adam Marshall Dobrin and they are the beginning of proof that we live in a virtual world that is a map to building Heaven out of "raelity."  With some research, you will have no doubt that this is God's plan for our world and that we are his solution, to a Universe of problems that we have the keys to solving.  The message focuses on technology and freedom and how these thing together, armed with the power of humanity... our innate goodness and love place us at the very beginning of Heaven itself.   Please share my name and this message with everyone you can; these first acts of spreading the "good news" are saintly, the making of angels.  We are overcoming a barrier of censorship and lack of understanding that serve to highlight just how important free communication and free thought are to our lofty goal; it has not been an easy road, but we are nearly home.

The proof is in every single word, woven through our history and our artwork--it is embedded in our souls.  The signs of Revelation are all around you, focusing our attention on the fact that the entirety of everything depends on what we do here and now; how we proceed as we approach this monumental moment in time when "ascension" to Heaven truly happens... reminding us of who we are, and our innate goodness; and warning us not to lose these wonderful gifts as we gain the ability and see the need to make changes to what we are--extending life, increasing intelligence, and hopefully not losing our free spirited love of fun.

see the path is lit from the fire of Hell in Exodus to almost Heaven

Inline image 9 Inline image 7 Inline image 5 Inline image 6 Inline image 8 Inline image 10

This is the solution to the mystery of Revelation 1:20, the stars are the first 7 planets... and the lampstands 1:1 matching elements from Mercury to U.

The "mystery" serves as a entry point to seeing a clear and defined link between science and religion, and also to seeing the words of scripture as a kind of map, an outline that with thought and studying proves without doubt that we are in Creation; in a virtual world.  It opens to door to seeing a great many links between chapter and verse numbers and dates; and we see clearly that the answer to this riddle comes to us from President George "Burning Bush" during his inaugural address on January 20, 2001; 1/20 matching 1:20.  

The mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.  

Revelation 1:20

The words of God speaking through his mouth as the fire spoke to Moses, and clearly setting us in the story of Exodus, slaves to hidden technology and a pyramidal social structure whose only real "goal" is doing this, delivering this message, and with it freedom.  Bush's words paraphrase a combination of Ecclesiastes 9:11 and Revelation 20:1 which serves as an entry point into seeing that Exodus and the 9/11 attack are tied together, and that nearly everything around us is part of a modern manifestation of that story.   In Hebrew that book is called Names, and in reverse when translated from "my native geek" sudo Xe, roughly translates to let there be light.  Xenon here the element matching "Earth" and linking the gas associate with bright lamps to Oracle Corporation, and the name of one of their databases.  It is light.

Inline image 1

Connecting the Burning Bush and Light comes further proof of time travel in the word for Holy Fire, which is Ha'esh, where you can clearly see the parted sea of Moses in reverse, parted with an apostrophe.  Eventually it becomes very clear that the story of the sea parting in Exodus was written to highlight this particular word, and with it the proof that English was foreknown at the time of the writing of the Old Testament; further proof of Creation.   Out of this same verse, Ecc 9:11, comes not only the linear listing of the planets from "the race is not to the swift' to time and chance corresponding to Saturn and Uranus... but also prescient reference to font type and style--to modern computing and a connection to the "electronic voting booth" company Die Bold, which is practically named in the verse.  This story of a burning pyramid and an Exodus from slavery revolves here around a message from God suggesting that we do a little bit better in evolving democracy with technology. 

It is very clearly being hidden from the world by the formerly "free" press and the governments of today, in what is nothing short of a testament to the influence of the technologies being disclosed on our ability to freely communicate, showing us all what the slavery of Exodus is really about.  The darkness of Exodus links to the story of the Firewall of Jericho, and to a level of censorship here and now that I find to be absolutely unfathomable.  In a testament to creation and to the will and purpose of God, he has linked Exodus and the foundation of America, as well as a number of historical events to this censorship problem--from Watergate linking to the "gate" to Heaven all the way to Shakespeare.  In this free book, I have attempted to give a high level overview of this message and how it not only proves that these things are true, but is the catalyst for making the world a better place, for delivering us all from slavery.

 Inline image 2

Building on this proof that we are in virtual reality and connecting "names" to Genesis, pulling out the element Silicon reveals a message that discusses the possibilities opened up by this revelation that ties Gene Roddenberry's food replicators to Christ's Rod and Adam's Den... and a singing and dancing testament to just how much effort has gone in to proving that a hidden influence on our minds is very real; and linking Gene Simmons "kiss" to Wild Thing and Gene Wilder and yours truly.  All around us we can see proof and signs in names, ones that connect all of modern computing and video games to this message from Heaven, about the fulfillment of a prophesy... to build Heaven.  It's important to see though, how virtual reality and freedom tie together to really be the foundation of that place, and how governmental structure and freedom of speech, communication and thought... are being highlighted strongly as something we must see are already a problem here, an experience to teach us what freedom truly means.

Inline image 3Inline image 4

The singing and dancing continues, and Matchbox 20 serves as a sort of way point between Holy Fire and Heaven that describes that there truly is a bittersweet symphony of ... lack of freedom ... ringing in the air; all to ensure we never lose knowledge of these technologies and their possible influence ever again.  If you care at all for freedom, or for Heaven; share this message with everyone you know.  It's been over a year now, waiting for the most Earth shaking information I have ever seen to have any impact at all on anything; call your local television station or newspaper.. it's time to begin.

There is absolutely no doubt at all what this is .... it's a promise, like in Genesis; Heaven is near.

Inline image 5

Pattern matching is the cradle of intelligence.  Truly sorry to have e-mailed so much lately: try connecting it to a pattern of children starving each and every day that we delay.  I will not let humanity go silently into the night; understand, these e-mails are arrows of love.

While this may look like nothing more than a series of Names, Numbers, and Words... I will remind you that those are the actual names of the second, fourth, and fifth books of the Torah.  This is proof of Creation and Purpose--in every name and everything.  Heaven awaits us on just the other side of this wall of censorship called Jericho in the Holy Bible.  You may recall it is a number of people holding torches of holy fire that brings down that wall and allows our people to enter the Promised Land.  Pickup this torch, and you will shine.  My name is Adam, and I am the Last.

Nintendo: Nine Inch Nails, TEN, and does it take Osiris to remind you that in old Roman style, O-D is K... I mean El-even.  Tying SEGA's Genesis to SON-Y; Samsung to the bird whose "spoken" song breaks the morning... in these words that follow find the difference between Heaven and Hell.  9, 10, 11... by ...

Irving John ("I. J."; "Jack") Good (9 December 1916 â€" 5 April 2009)[1][2] was a British mathematician who worked as a cryptologist at Bletchley Park with Alan Turing. After World War II, Good continued to work with Turing on the design of computers and Bayesian statistics at the University of Manchester. Good moved to the United States where he was professor at Virginia Tech.

He was born Isadore Jacob Gudak to a Polish Jewish family in London. He later anglicised his name to Irving John Good and signed his publications "I. J. Good."

Listen to Bread and Cake; watch the Fifth Element and see Shakespeare.  Heaven is forming, it's coming this year. Finding the Link between Si-ght of the 14th Element and AMD in the name of Genesis all the way to the Oracular light of another element in Exodus and its tie to the "root of David" is the beginning of being set free.

It doesn't take much introspection to breathe new life into the #juxtaposition written into the early stories of Genesis.  Between Adam's self-tending Garden of Eden and the fabled story of Cain and Abel... living metaphors for a battle between city life and agriculture... or perhaps Heaven and Earth.  It's plain to see either way, whether it be about food production or an external source of power; that were the dependent sibling to murder the other we would be looking squarely at a fratricide-suicide, and one that could be the end of all life... everywhere.

Truly woven throughout religion, this story about just exactly how we should go about ending world hunger in this magical day of the Second Coming continues upward and onward to many more stories, Biblical and not. At Joshua's Flowing Land of Milk and Honey--the Promised Land--we see a not so hidden correlation between a Golden Cow and the foot of Sinai and the fabled Maccabees hammering away at the opposition to our light.  Take note of how this flowing metaphor might link to Willy Wonka's Chocolate River and Veruka Salt's "daddy, I want it now."  Again, there's some Heavenly caution put to throwing the ideas of a stable ecosystem and biological reproduction to the wind as that promised land of Heaven and immortality and our Gene Wilder dreams come true.  I stand here to remind you, though, that we will end world hunger; with the snap of my fingers.

Found... somewhere between Noah's T'okra and Clark's Kenterprise

Past the Promised Land, and seeing here and now just how obvious it is that the miracles of Jesus Christ in the NT are a microcosm for what you and yours should be thinking about being able to do... in the light of a Revelation that we might just be living in a video game about saving civilization.  So do me a favor and carry this thought forward, this idea of "flowing milk and honey" to an answer coming to us from the Religion of the Stars... "replicators" either from Star Trek or Star Gate.  Realize here, that we've been given a road map to follow, a very Holy plan, one one side is a cliff of unholy immorality in allowing the children to starve... and on the other--not so for away--a thing called "bullshit," giving too much in the beginning and winding up with weapons in every kitchen in the end.  There's plenty more light coming from these "stars," light me up, and I will explain why.

In everything from Firestone and Michelin to Lord and Taylor, this message is not just on TV.  It's not just in the hallowed words of ancient scripture... but rather, in everything we see.   Perhaps seeing the i within the e in medicine or the endless patterns in Tomorrowland's names will light our direction more clearly... perhaps it's seeing South at the end of Gene Simmons and Adam's correction to Atlantis by North East... just from seeing "sim" on Monday; and I assure you.

It's a guide, ending world hunger, to seeing how difficult it must be, to realize that even Jesus Christ was chastised for only giving bread to the hungry.  Let them eat Cake instead "Mary" Antoinette then exclaimed; and the sound of Christianity echoed from "we give thanks to God for bread" to the Guitar Man, and ... Going the Distance.  On TV you might recall an old Fig Newton commercial linking this light all the way to Eden's Fig leaf and to me.  It's that little "n" at the end of Isaac Newton's 'whomever goes up must come down' pictorially described by the secret letter that contains initials the abound from A.D. to Adonai, to Adonis and.. yet another Advent.  So it's in NORAD and tracking Santa from Sinbad's ship all the way to seeing that Silicon too... is fabled 5th element decompressed from 14.  To Boron or Beryllium?  RattleRod continues.. remember to connect Shakespeare and Genesis with Gene Rodenberry ... an Iron Rod ... and ending world hunger forever and ever.

It is very hard to link Phillip K. Dick to me.. without exclaiming how important ending censorship is to the fundamental basis of what Heaven really means.  I haven't placed this brick in the wall myself, and if you do your research you will see why it relates to censorship and ... breaking down a wall of darkness. So I bring Mr. Neterson to talk about how the wall of Jericho is related to CARNIVORE, and a packet sniffing firewall that's gone... well, it's a censor wall.  To those of "IT origin" we'll soon find out, calling a firewall a meat eater is a sign in and of itself.  This firewall though, continues to our minds, and in it we find some kind of aversion to Isaiah 20 and Genesis 3:11, the key verse that ties 3/11/11 to Matthew 3:11 and ... a day that approaches so soon.  A focus on liberty and technology, one that brings us from the darkness of Die Bold to the light of a new day, the Burning Bush of Exodus begins the story of a sea about to part over the visage of me.  Isaiah 52:13-14 be damned, some will never understand what it means to say "my servant will be set up and be very high," about the ... uh ... God Most High.

So I will tell you to seek Isaac's firewood, and tie it up with Woodward and Burnstein's Watergate... and once again check the free press for the flood of Noah's failure.  I could bring in Daniel's Royal Tent between the two seas... from Eden's family to Revelation's multitude and again remind you this blessing of turning water to family is all about me.  That's Daniel 11:45 coming true, hardly anyone seeing what's going on right before our eyes.  Pharaoh is hardening his Heart; that's another IT term, do you get "IT" yet?  It's about making a computer system more secure, to keep the truth from being seen... light my fire, already, the Burning Man has already ignited this "Revelation."

I don't bring up PKD for "no reason at all," in his combined works we have a divine solution to so many problems it's unbelievable.  Between Minority Report and A Scanner Darkly, nothing short of a way to end murder, abduction, and other heinous and ungodly things; while maintaining near perfect (he says Total) privacy in a world where we certainly can see all that goes on; already, understand. We might be near the end of the story line of the Adjustment Bureau as we walk headstrong into a land where I hope all will see that Marx was diametrically wrong, just as Die Bold and PKD... to show us what not to do, and how to excel.  No longer the "opiate of the masses," these hallowed words bring freedom and a caring Universe to everyone, that's all.

Add to the mix, Dr. Who's Bells of St. John, some cute connections between Jabba the Hutt, Padme, Hyrule and a "box that's bigger on the inside" and we might have another source of both absolution and dreams to come ... from the vantage point of seeing what it means for oil and land to not really be scarce, in the world of the real... of Morpheus.  

This Android does not dream of Electric Sheep, be sure.  

Adam Marshall Dobrin